Thursday, November 22, 2012

Woman Stopped For Speeding And Gives Birth. So Much For A Birth ...

New mom and baby Dakota are doing just fine and now resting at home.

I guess she didn't end up using her birth plan. I wonder if she tossed it or framed it.

Birth plans are a favourite piece of advice promoted by birth educators everywhere. They are also the least-used labour tool ever.?

Don't get me wrong, I think it is a good idea to consider the kinds of things that you will make you feel more comfortable during labour. Does music help you? Do pictures of your pets or cottage make you feel soothed? Are you okay with drugs or totally adamantly against them??

I think you should absolutely educate yourself about the stages of labour and what happens with the baby immediately after birth.

But the idea that labour can be controlled is totally false. Very few people have a labour according to their birth plan, mostly because there are so many variables -- how you will perceive pain, how busy the hospital is, if your partner is awake.

My first child was born by C-section, my second labour was a reasonable, 15-hour process aided by drugs. And my third was a surprising, mad cap dash to the hospital complete with wheelchair and the baby crowning in the elevator.

An epidural was part of my birth plan for my third child as well, but she decided differently and wanted to check out what the elevator was all about.

I think that employing a labour doula is a much better idea than trying to stick to a birth plan. She is like a walking, thinking, adaptable birth plan.

Even though my doula didn't do as much as work the third time around, I absolutely felt that it was worth the money. Someone had to push the 10th floor button and tell me that my epidural was on it's way (she lied, I forgave her).

But at least I didn't give birth in my car with a police officer at my side. I'm not sure my husband could have dealt with the cleaning bill.

Want more chaos? Last year, I wrote about women getting tattoos to mark miscarriages.

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