Monday, October 15, 2012

Developing a Creative Mindset | Search Influence Internet Marketing ...

Creative Mindset
We all know those folks who just seem to always have amazing ideas ? the ones that can look at a tin can and create a thousand different uses or art projects from it. These individuals seem to possess some kind of magic ability to conjure up an idea out of thin air. It seems as if everything is a canvas for them: the color of a living room, a blank wall, or even a cupcake. What these idea-Merlins process is a way of thinking that is open to connecting design and aesthetics into their every thought. What they possess is a creative mindset.

The creative mindset is a way of approaching a problem with an open mind and with the background thought of wondering how all the details will fit in together. This thought process is important because, regardless if the person is an artist or not, it can not only make the task at hand more efficient, but it keeps in mind how the task will be viewed by others. All too often, we do what works or what has been done before, but with a creative mindset, we are open to discovery on how to turn old shipping pallets into desks or figure out a more efficient way of running a business.

This mindset also opens us to developing an appreciation for art, design, and the way things interact. It doesn?t matter if you are an desk clerk or have a mundane job where you are a human robot, a creative mindset will create a new way of thinking that will make that job more fulfilling or inspire you to pursue side projects or hobbies that will liven up your life and others around you.

Keep an Open Eye

In developing a creative mindset, one must set up the basics. We must strive to always look at everything with an open perspective. This keeps the possibilities of discovering a new way of doing thing available. As we all have heard, God is in the details, the same goes for creativity and the way we view those details. Do not be afraid of getting up close to that assignment and looking at it intimately. The more we know about something, the easier it is to figure out a new way of handling it.

Surround Yourself

In addition, surrounding yourself with design of any time is an endless source of inspiration and keeps the avenue of creativity open. The beauty of inspiration is that it can come from anywhere or anything. With keeping all different sources of these aesthetic things around us, we allow our brain to want to take any task and design it in a way that breathes new life into it or releases it from the drones of mediocrity.

Additionally, surrounding yourself with peers who will give you honest feedback is also essential. With their critiques, we can get the suggestions we need to grow and push the boundaries of our abilities. Once we have this strong group of peers, we then also have a reservoir to pull people from to do collaborative works and lend our talents with someone else?s to further push our abilities

Never Stop Learning

The best way to maintain a creative mindset is to always have a passion for learning something new. This desire to learn also helps us to understand the process as a whole. The more we learn, the more we can draw connections between two fields of practice or between two seemingly unrelated things. With these connections we can also look at the problem from a new perspective and essentially flip the task over and approach it from a new direction with both facilitates new ways of tackling the issue and creative ways of doing so.

Apply Yourself

Whenever we get a new toy, our immediate reaction it to play with it. We want to see what each button does and if there is a secret compartment. This sense of exploration should apply to whatever task is at hand. And the best way to find out if something works is to try it out. This testing process is essential to the creative process because it gives us more details of our task at hand. We can gather data on if the solution is working or not.

Whenever there is play, there are also risks. However, taking a risk is not bad. In fact, in order to facilitate a creative mindset we must learn to take a risk on our ideas to see how they work. Yet, if the idea does not work, this is still a gain. We learn more from what doesn?t work and can move on to the next solution and take a risk on the next idea. But in order to properly take these risks in creativity, we must also believe in ourselves.

A Creative Mindset is a wonderful tool that you can utilize in your hobbies, profession, or life. This way of thinking will help keep you one step ahead with being the go to person when it comes to thinking of a new way of doing something.


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