Saturday, August 25, 2012

How are workplace safety videos helpful? ?

Workplace safety can be a priority for a company or a necessary inconvenience to production quotas and the demands of running a business. Workplace safety is about preventing injury and illness to employees and volunteers in the workplace. Therefore, it?s about protecting the nonprofit?s most valuable asset: its workers. Depending on the organization, the employees involved, the information that is to be communicated, there are a multitude of different communication pathways that can be taken to deliver a message of workplace safety. It can be as simple as an ohsa trainer standing in front of a group, or perhaps a group discussion, or role play. Technology such as power point, video or e-learning programs can be used as either the main training tool or as an aid to reinforce the spoken message.
Videos are considered best medium to deliver workplace safety training sessions. Employees can watch a workplace safety video during lunch break, or take a course at home via computer. In fact, safety training can occur right on the job through coaching by management. No matter what your needs are as an employer, there?s always a way to incorporate safety training without cutting into profitable work time. A training session on workplace safety using videos can provide a range of benefits. These include:
1.Continuity of the message ? Whether it is the induction of new staff, or conducting refresher training for existing employees, using video to deliver the message will ensure that every trainee receives exactly the same message, the same way. That way everyone is on the ?same page?, which is an important component to an organization?s ability to to comply with legislation and achieve a health and safe environment.

2. A picture tells a thousand words. In most instances, video can deliver a message far more efficiently and effectively than the spoken word alone, especially when trying to describe a particular action or technique. Time is a precious commodity nowadays. Any opportunity to communicate a message more efficiently will always have a positive effect on the workplace.

3. Most importantly, video does an excellent job of conveying emotion. If the intention is to send home a message of great importance, the ability to tap into people?s emotions can be an excellent strategy. A message or idea is more likely to be remembered if it has impact. As witnessed now on many TV advertising campaigns ? whether it be for safety at work, anti smoking, or safe driving ? ?shock value? is an approach used to not only ensure the audience receives the message, but it sneaks its way into their subconscious.
There are even many fire safety videos available in market. A fire in the workplace can not only result in serious injury or loss of life, but it could also cause serious interruption to production due to the loss of buildings, equipment, stores, and records. These fire safety videos provide preventive measures. Such fire safety videos provide tips for minimizing the chances of fire in your workplace, how to identify the different types of fire extinguishers and the correct type to use in varying situations, safe and correct methods for fire fighting with hand held extinguishers or hose reels, how to recognize different classes of fire, the importance of being prepared and being aware of internal procedures, typical causes of workplace fires, the areas and processes that could be a fire risk in the workplace and fire prevention strategies.

Fire Safety Video |
Induction Videos | Manual handling Training


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