Saturday, February 23, 2013

MASK OFF MEXICO: Leaders in the Government of the United States' southern neighbor ignored Fast and Furious, now exploiting Sandy Hook

MASK OFF MEXICO: Leaders in the Government of the United States' southern neighbor ignored Fast and Furious, now exploiting Sandy Hook


If you ever wondered why the Mexican government seemed to go out of its way to address an operation led by the U.S. Government, designed to put weapons into the hands of drug cartels, who used those guns to murder innocent people, the actions of Mexico's lawmakers may help answer that question. They are lobbying U.S. Senators to force Arizona, California, Texas, and New Mexico to force their citizens to register all guns.

Ben Barrack, conservative talk show host, writer, and author of the new book, Unsung Davids, says that when contrasted with the lack of interest on the part of Mexican officials over Fast and Furious, this attempt by Mexican politicians says quite a bit. ?This basically confirms that Mexican authorities are on-board with the Obama administration's attempt to exploit the Sandy Hook shootings,? Barrack said.

The good news, Barrack says, is that American citizens are beginning to connect the dots when it comes to contrasting those two events. In a local CBS news report in Arizona, citizens were interveiwed about the proposal of Mexican lawmakers and multiple references were made to Fast and Furious. ?The behavior of these Mexican officials is the equivalent of ripping their masks off. They're in on it and it doesn't matter why. Ends do not justify the means,? Barrack said.

Some believe that Mexico is playing ball with the Obama administration because it doesn't want to threaten trade relations with the U.S. ?This would be a form of soft blackmail,? Barrack says, ?and if that's being done to prevent the truth about an operation designed to produce dead bodies to further gun control, we have a big, big problem.?

?Once people begin contrasting the details of Fast and Furious with what is being done in the wake of Sandy Hook, a lot of things become very, very clear. In particular,? Barrack says, ?something people cannot bring themselves to admit.?

To find out what that 'something' is, contact Special Guests today for an interview with Ben Barrack.


Ben Barrack is an Investigative Radio Host and Blogger who broadcasts in Central Texas. He is the author of the new book Unsung Davids: Ten Men who Battled Goliath Without Glory. His columns have appeared on Pajamas Media, Human Events, Big Government, World Net Daily and others.

Barrack is a strong critic of the mainstream media and supports patriotic and reliable bloggers who do much of the mainstream media?s work at no charge, with little recognition, while earning their living via other means.

Barrack maintains a website at


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