Friday, January 18, 2013

What Small Businesses Need to Learn from Nonprofits - Inkling Media

What Small Businesses Need to Learn from Nonprofits, (And What Many Nonprofits Need to Relearn)

Nonprofits exist to do great things and bring about change in the world.

Nonprofits exist to solve some sort of problem, whether it be homelessness, a disease, illiteracy, or something related to pets or the environment.

To that end, nonprofits, in general, focus on the end user. If the focus of a particular organization is on cancer, everything they do is designed to meet the goal of either curing or preventing cancer in individuals. If it?s illiteracy, everything they do is to teach people how to read.

Nonprofits focus on the end user, the people, the client.

Even when they go through the necessary evil of having to raise funds, it?s for the purpose of helping the end user and solving a problem It?s to make a difference and change the world.

But what about for profits? What about small businesses?

In general, we tend to be short sighted, focusing on the money we bring in. Yes, we?re in business to make money, or are we? Aren?t we really in the business of meeting needs and solving problems?

If you?re an accountant, your job is to help people with their finances. If you?re a doctor, you?re in business to keep people healthy. Making money is a byproduct of that. Somewhere along the line our work became just a way to make a living, and we used our customers to that end.

But like nonprofits, shouldn?t for profits be in the business of solving problems, meeting needs, and changing the world? Shouldn?t the products and services we offer make a difference?

Focus on how your products and services can help the end user. Keep them happy and they will come back and talk about you. Solving peoples problems is a great way to make a living.

Oh, and I think some nonprofits could stand to relearn this lesson as well.



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