Friday, December 21, 2012

Writing and the Creative Imagination ? How to ... - Copywriting Help

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Writing and the [...]

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Written on December 20th, 2012
Read more articles on Become a writer.

We hope that the following short article may be informative
and helpful to your readers, or on your web sites.
You have permission to publish this article (formatted to
60 characters, approx) electronically or in print. If it helps
others ?out there? in any way, then we?re happy.

Writing and the Creative Imagination ?
How to Avoid ?Writer?s Block?

Thought I?d share a few simple thoughts on how to use
the amazing powers of your creative imagination to the
fullest in overcoming ?writer?s block??

Just letting you know that I start all my novels with a
BASIC PLOT (plan) and don?t have much idea how it?s
all going to end up (?pan out?). I don?t consciously use
techniques, like ?mindmapping? and have found that by
writing one chapter at a time then simply ?letting go?,
the story simply flows onto the next naturally (at least I think
it does!). It?s simply a matter of taking one step at a time,
then waiting for ?inspiration?*, which may take an hour, a
day, a week, or a month.

* By the way, the word ?inspire? translated from the ancient
Greek language, literally says, ?God breathed life into?.
Not that it?s Greek to me ? this ?not classical language scholar?!

When I get ?stuck? for a while, I take a break with a long
walk along the stunningly beautiful beaches here, which really
relaxes me and then the thoughts simply ?flow into my head.
This takes hold and I get a clear vision of the next small
step ahead (always) ? through the amazing powers of the
subconscious mind, which is where our INSPIRATION* comes
from? and this leads, impels (nice word!) us into ACTION.

Imagination leads to intuition (?the way God communicates with
us? via the antannae of the subconscious mind, I believe).
So use the amazing and unlimited powers of your creative
subconscious mind?


Hope these thoughts may be helpful to you in whatever endeavour
(creative or otherwise) you undertake in life.

Craig Lock

A vision without a task is but a dream. A task without a vision
is drudgery. A vision with a task is the hope of the world.
- Inscription from a church in Sussex, England

?Our Creator will never give us a desire without our having
the ability/capacity to see it to fruition.?

Craig Lock
?Information and Inspiration distributor?

All proceeds go to needy and underprivileged children ? MINE

Creative Writing Course

P.S: Don?t worry about the world ending today?
it?s already tomorrow in ?little? scenic and tranquil
New Zealand


Written on December 20th, 2012
Read more articles on Become a writer.


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