Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Earlier relatives may have climbed out of family tree - Research ...

It has long been believed that coming down from the trees was a crucial evolutionary shift. The behaviour of these chimpanzees suggests a more deep-seated, gradual transition."

?Kathelijne Koops

The first study into rarely-documented ground nest-building by wild chimpanzees has offered new clues about the ancient transition of early hominins ? our ?human-like? ancestors? ? from sleeping in trees to sleeping on the ground.

While most apes build nests in trees, the study, published in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology, focused on a group of wild, West African chimpanzees, that often show ground-nesting behaviour. It suggests that sleeping on the ground, once thought to have been a key part of the evolutionary shift among the early ancestors of modern humans, was actually a more gradual process.

An international team of primatologists from the University of Cambridge and Kyoto University, led by Dr Kathelijne Koops, studied the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus) population in the Nimba Mountains in Guinea, West Africa.

All species of great ape build nests to sleep in each night. Construction of these shelters takes minutes as the apes bend, break and interweave branches into a circular frame, then tuck in smaller branches to form a sturdy but comfortable sleeping platform.

?We believe that, like modern apes, the common ancestor of chimpanzees and humans also slept in the trees six million years ago,? Koops said. ?However, these nests are not preserved in the fossil or archaeological record, so it is impossible to study directly the ancient transition from sleeping in trees to building shelters on the ground. Recording this rare behaviour in the chimpanzee, our closest relative, may provide vital clues.?

As the Nimba chimpanzees do not yet tolerate human presence at close range, the team used new molecular genetic techniques to analyse hairs collected from the nests. This allowed the team to establish the sex of chimpanzees displaying the behaviour and to identify individuals in the group.

The team showed that as chimpanzees sleep both on the ground and in the trees, the transition from trees to the ground did not require a special evolutionary adaptation. This suggests that early hominins may have slept on the ground before the emergence of Homo erectus (?upright man?), the first species which was fully adapted to living on the ground.

?This is intriguing as it has long been believed that coming down from the trees was a crucial evolutionary shift,? Koops said. ?The behaviour of these chimpanzees suggests a more deep-seated, gradual transition from tree to ground sleep.?

Other theories for the transition have included the use of fire and the scarcity of trees in open habitats. The new research demonstrates that neither is a prerequisite for ground sleeping, however. The chimpanzees in question live in a plentiful, evergreen forest and, of course, do not create fire.

?These chimpanzees offer a rare opportunity to investigate why a population of wild apes chooses to sleep on the ground,? concluded Koops. ?We showed that ground-nesting was not caused by male mate-guarding behaviour, a lack of trees in which to nest, or because of fire. This suggests that our direct ancestors were neither the only, nor the first, species to come down from the trees.?

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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Commercial Construction Staking | Real Estate Blog

Commercial Construction Staking

Construction staking for commercial projects is really a critical step inside the developing approach that may straight influence whether or not a project finishes on time, on price range, and free of charge from errors. It truly is within the very best interests with the construction business or developer to use the techniques of a qualified registered land surveyor to execute the staking. A superb surveyor will interpret the plans and layout the project to greatest fit the website because the designer, engineer, or architect intended. By getting an individual with all the techniques and understanding of an expert registered land surveyor, the builder might be specific with the accuracy and reliability from the outcomes.

Commercial construction staking is necessary to get a selection of diverse projects, like subdivisions, streets, utilities, and far more complicated, multi-story constructing internet sites. Construction staking is, at its most simple, the laying out of survey points on the ground to act as a guide for constructing website improvements. In numerous techniques, construction staking might be noticed because the opposite from the as-built survey. The as-built assesses a constructing or project following completion to make sure that is certainly was built in accordance with the plans. Construction staking is performed in the starting from the project to produce certain that the project is built in accordance with program. Great construction staking will result in a great as-built survey.

Construction staking, specifically inside a commercial application, calls upon all of the abilities that a land surveyor possesses. They may be necessary to full a boundary and topographic survey to make sure that the house matched the website strategy and engineering style. They should also carry out field staking for mass grading, developing offsets for construction, utilities (sanitary sewers, water mains and storm sewers), also as any parking lots, streets, curbs, or gutters. These are all accomplished prior to the surveyor even starts to address the proposed buildings on the house.

As soon as a surveyor moves on to staking the proposed structures, he supplies the place and grade stakes for creating foundations, walls, and column lines. This really is a essential step inside the approach. When the buildings foundations will not be staked appropriately, it may be an incredibly expensive mistake for the construction crew that could have the possible to ruin the job altogether. A knowledgeable land surveyor is really a builder?s ideal tool to prevent foundation issues additional on inside the approach. A great surveyor will establish a coordinate network with horizontal and vertical controls from the starting with the home and use it to calculate and decide the precise corners and levels of proposed structures.

Although construction staking is observed by several to become a straightforward step in the starting of a project, it could have quite dire ramifications for the rest from the project if not completed appropriately. In commercial projects, the value of a well-performed construction staking is magnified, given the bigger structures and vast amounts of income the construction staking impacts. It?s funds and time properly spent to create positive that a qualified person using the suitable surveying information and expertise is conducting your construction staking survey.

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Administrative career in importance of astrology

The importance of astrology in career is phenomenal. Astrological predictions are made use for beginning any new beginnings in life, be it marriage, buying of new properties and also for getting to know suitable career. The positioning of houses on the charts determines ones? personality and behaviour. Houses in the charts impact everything about your life and are based on the karma of your previous birth. Astrology definitely has a great connection and impacts the career sphere as well. For choosing an administrative career, astrology helps a great deal. There are many kinds of career opportunities available and some job demands people with particular nature for efficiency. It is just not about the qualification aspect as well. You would have come across people or employers conducting interviews before taking the final call, even though one has done well in the test and passed through the basic qualification requirements.

This is mainly because of the reasons that people want to test the character strength of the person rather than anything else. It is the strength and trait of the person that helps one to reach higher goals and to shine in their respective career. Let us take this scenario. What if a person with timid character gets into advocacy or police force and what if a person who has a special instinct towards medicine gets into engineering? Definitely, such a scenario is not going to serve the person as well as the society in a better way. Administrative career is something that requires a good level of inner strength, determination, ability to negotiate and a strong sense of command. It is important to have it all levelled up well in order to reach peaks in the administrative career.

If one takes the Career horoscopes and astrological predictions of prominent personalities in the administrative sphere, it could be understood that they are mould that way and their horoscope supports their position.

There are many people out there who want to get into the administrative sphere and gain a prominent position for them but they do not know what is in store for them. If you are one such person who is confused about taking a particular career path and wants to know the chances of trying out for an administrative position can look out for the planet positioning. Checking the crucial point will guide you through some of the most essential and crucial facts whether to take up a particular administrative service or not. Administrative career is full of challenges and hurdles and it requires one to move along in a perfect manner with the co-workers and other officials. I have seen great many people not sure about what to go for. Most of the times the astrological predictions comes to be true. There are some famous personalities in the administrative field who have taken up the career astrology seriously, tread the path with confidence and have come out to be successful.

Career astrology helps understand your aptitude level, strength and weakness, skills and lot more. Mercury and Moon determines the intellectual capacity and inner strength of a person, so this should be check first to know if you are suitable for a job in administrative sphere. Similarly, the positioning of sun helps in determining the physical strength aspect as well. When you are in public service or administrative field lots of areas and things needs to be set right for better and efficient administration. Administrative job requires a great leadership skills and the ability to lead a group with ease. Now, it is possible for you to know your chance in administrative career and also the position that you would gain in the present administrative job to achieve the target and to bring in results. Get your detailed career astrology prediction report and know the importance and impact that the planets play in your career. It is necessary that you choose over a reliable and authentic service as there are plenty of them available online. To know the importance of astrology in administrative career seek the help of an accurate and reliable career horoscope prediction service that has got a good track record in the career astrology space. You are sure to get the right guidance in choosing and pursuing the career path.

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Kansans For Judicial Accountability: Endless $tupidity: domestic ...


Endless $tupidity: domestic violence victim advocacy for supervised visitation centers

(Endless stupidity or professional self-interest -- there's no other choice.)

Is there some reason that anti-dv advocates just can't get it? Is there some reason that researchers and activists keep recommending this idiocy? It's a bad, bad, bad, bad, bad idea. Why:

(1) Supervised visitation cannot continue indefinitely, and controlling, violent, or child molesting parents aren't going to change. So what is the point? (No. "Anger management" therapies don't work.) It's not a child custody solution for abusers. It's not a solution for children who have 5, 10 or 18 years left in their childhoods. It's a band-aid for 10 weeks, or 6 months, or whatever, and then the abusive parent will most likely go back to court, after behaving "safely" or "nicely" in the presence of supervisors, and get unsupervised visitation. The supervised visitation center will have made money, the parents will have lost money, the litigation will have remained open, the abusive parent will be even more angry and resentful, additional therapies and interventions will be recommended and tried (all as the abuse fades into the past and claimed irrelevancy), and overall, the entire situation will be even more miserable than it was before for the victims. [See comment by JG]

(2) If it is to be some kind of extended supervised visitation, then it also chains the victim family to the geographical area where the perpetrator is located in order to further what are usually non-beneficial visitation rights. The battered mother cannot relocate for job or family support, and while getting no real parenting help, and having to do it all, now also has an often inconvenient and intrusive visitation schedule to adhere to (not to mention what this does to the child's life). The parent in supervised visitation isn't "parenting". Someone else is doing all the parenting. Maybe there's a rationale for this kind of thing when the State removes someone's children into foster care, and the parent is working out the parent's substance abuse issues, but otherwise? Children don't need visitation with violent or molesting parents. If they already have one safe caregiving parent, and the State is not involved, they simply don't need this. And if we're talking about a parent who is merely negligent but not violent or intentionally abusive, and it's a custody issue between two parents of young children, well, then the competent parent can "supervise" in a more natural visitation setting in one or the other parent's home or on outings until the children are old enough that the lack of judgment of the parent needing supervision isn't an issue. That's going to be way better as well for the children and their relationship with the supervised parent.

(3) Once supervised visitation professionals or institutions invest in facility and marketing to do this work, they become "stakeholders" whose most immediate concern will be the need to pay their bills and salaries, further their business interests, and expand. Doesn't matter whether it's a private business or a government budget. Doesn't matter whether it's a dv activist organization or a "nonpartisan charity". Once the system and facility and employees with salaries are in place, it looks for continuing customers. There's going to be a limit to the number of abusers, and perhaps some competition as well, so what will happen next is marketing, i.e. making a market, i.e. expanding the market. The cross-pollinating professionals they work with, the inter-disciplinary group associates and referral sources, such as custody evaluators and judges, will start sending them new kinds of business. Soon, supervised visitation gets recommended for all kinds of pretextual reasons. Such as "therapeutic visitation", and "reunification counseling", and "parenting training", and as punishment for parents who badmouth each other, and for "evaluation" purposes (as if any parenting could possibly be evaluated in such an artificial setting.)

(4) Over the past two decades, supervised visitation centers have been established by abuser lobbies and parental alienation proponents, psych and interdisplinary trade promotion groups, and money-grubbing mental health professionals who can't make a go of practice without glomming captive divorce court litigants -- and who for some goddamn reason are always more clever than victim advocate groups. Once they have opened up their visitation centers, they commence doing what entrepreneurs will do: market their services, concoct new services and programs, network, and promote themselves (which in the case of these ill-advised ideas, also frequently includes getting -- and justifying and maintaining -- some amount of charitable or government funding.)

(5) It's yet another big waste of the family's money and children's college funds via "therapeutic jurisprudence". Because of the need to keep the facility going, and because of the lucrative therapeutic referral work, overwhelmingly, what has happened in recent years is that perfectly acceptable parents are being ordered into supervised visitation schedules for some of the most frivolous reasons. Especially those who can pay. And the whole idea just increases the load on the court system by keeping the matter alive and encouraging judges to put the decision-making off for another day. Cases under endless management, in endless float.

Note that I didn't say that third-party supervised visitation was "never" appropriate. Supervised visitation may sometimes have its limited uses, but ONLY as a temporary arrangement. (I hesitate to admit this, because when it comes to therapeutic inverventionism in the court system, like potato chips, it seems that if you try to have just one...) One legitimate use of supervised visitation would be for times when truly serious abuse allegations have been levied against a parent, to last until a civil or criminal hearing can be held to render findings on the truth or falsity of the allegations (following which, if they're true, there should be NO visitation).

Dead children.  Justice's PosterousAnother limited use might be as a temporary arrangement during times when a parent is unable to exercise unsupervised visitation but reasonably is expected to be able to do so after a short transition or learning period, e.g. a young unwed father and an infant he needs to learn how to care for, or e.g. a parent who for some reason has not been in the picture and needs to transition into a relationship with a child, AND ALSO, in these latter examples when there is some very, very, VERY good reason the other parent in fact is not appropriate as the "supervisor". (The to-be-supervised parent's ego does not constitute a good reason, any more than it would in the de facto "supervision" of an intact family.)

So in limited situations, a child body guard or nanny parent's helper type of supervisor might have its uses. But not where there is a violent or abusive parent. Certainly not in a case like this one. (Case worker in Palm Beach supervised visitation center talked on the telephone while father molested child.) And this one is even worse (Washington father hatchet-chopped his young sons before setting house on fire while useless superviser sat outside in her car.)

What happens if there is a shortage of visitation supervisors, or no supervised visitation centers? That's easy. Parents who are not dangerous won't have to suffer this nonsense. And parents who are dangerous won't get visitation. As they shouldn't in the first place. Supervised visitation is not for the benefit of abuse victims. It's for the benefit of abusers, and for the benefit of therapeutic jurisprudenchers who make money off of the idea. Stop it. Stop it now.

-- liz


Why Supervised Visitation is not Fair for Children of Abusive Men

Troubling Admission of Supervised Visitation Records in Court

This webpage was inspired by the unbelievably bad methodology and recommendations in the taxpayer-funded psychology-in-court-promoting Child Custody Evaluators' Beliefs About Domestic Abuse Allegations: Their Relationship to Evaluator Demographics, Background, Domestic Violence Knowledge and Custody-Visitation Recommendations, Final Technical Report Submitted to the National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice (October 31, 2011). Principal Investigator: Daniel G. Saunders, Ph.D., Co-Investigators: Kathleen C. Faller, Ph.D. and Richard M. Tolman, Ph.D. University of Michigan, School of Social Work, 1080 S. University Ave., Ann Arbor MI 48109-1106 USA. ("This project was supported by Grant No. 2007-WG-BX-0013 awarded by the National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. Findings and conclusions of the research reported here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Justice.") Kathleen Faller -- really? OMG. (And I don't believe for a second that all these battered women championed more expensive and time-consuming evaluations and supervised visitation. Talk about your cherry-picking...)

Addendum by JG:

"Supervised visitation also is used as a first step toward a custody switch away from protective mothers to abusive fathers.

"If his visitation goes well, that's used as 'evidence' that he did nothing wrong in the first place, and that the accusations against him were the result of parental alienation by the mother. His unsupervised visitation is restored, following which further complaints by the mother and/or child result in the mother losing custody to the abuser, with and without the application of additional lucrative court-ordered 'therapeutic interventions'.

"If the visitation doesn't go well, then the difficulty with the visits is blamed on resistance and interference by the mother. This accomplishes two things: it creates an alibi for the professionals for their failed 'reunification therapy' or wrong recommendations in urging his continuing visitation and involvement, and it creates the same desired end-result of blaming the mother.

"Many mothers who once laid allegations of abuse (or just believed the allegations of their children or others) ultimately find the tables turned on them and that they are the ones in supervised visitation and various court-ordered therapies. After this, they frequently lose custody -- and not infrequently, all contact with their children -- when they cannot any longer afford the cost of these 'therapeutic interventions', or are found to have been 'noncompliant', or the abusive fathers are granted permission to relocate by the court (which seems to be much more readily permitted by the courts for fathers than by mothers.)"


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Monday, April 16, 2012

Coldplay Opening Act The Pierces Take Their 'Witchy World' On Tour

'They're coming to see Coldplay but they won't be disappointed,' lead singer Catherine Pierce tells MTV News.
By Vaughn Trudeau Schoonmaker

The Pierces
Photo: Todd Williamson/ Getty Images

If you're going to see Coldplay's world tour this spring, don't expect a testosterone-filled happy hour. The world-renowned rockers have enlisted the duo known as the Pierces to fill one of the opening-act slots on the first leg of their tour. And it's not difficult to understand how the two Alabama-raised sisters caught the band's attention.

Lead singer Catherine and bass player Allison were brought on board for the tour after Coldplay bassist Guy Berryman produced their most recent album, You & I. Back in 2010, the Pierces teamed up with Coldplay for one night only to play the iTunes music festival in London.

"This will be the first time we've toured with them," Catherine told us.

You may already be familiar with the Pierces' music without even knowing it. Their song "Secret" is used in the opening sequence of the CW series "Pretty Little Liars" as well as Showtime's hit serial killer drama "Dexter." The Pierces also performed the song at a debutante ball in the first season of "Gossip Girl."

"We have a hard time describing our music," Catherine laughed about the band's eclectic sound.

"It's not folk, it's not like pop-pop and it's not rock," Allison said. "It's somewhere in the midst of those three things."

"With a dash of metal," Catherine added with a mischievous smirk.

The Pierces' first U.S. single off of their new album is "You'll Be Mine." The sexy video for the song features the sisters dancing and kissing men in what they describe as a "white, witchy world" setting.

"I think Coldplay's audience will like our music," Catherine predicted. "They're coming to see Coldplay but they won't be disappointed. It's gonna be awesome."

The Pierces will kick off the tour with Coldplay in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, on April 17.

Will you be seeing Coldplay on tour this spring? Tell us in the comments section!

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Canon 'examining countermeasures' for 5D Mark IIIs experiencing top LCD light leak problem

Looks like the honeymoon period with Canon's beastly 5D Mark III is officially over. Over the past few weeks some users have noticed that light leaking from its top-mounted LCD can affect exposure readouts, and now the company has confirmed that it's indeed an issue. Essentially, the camera's meter can experience a shift in the readout whenever the LCD's backlight turns on in a dark situation -- ensuring frustration when composing shots. There's no word on how wide-spread the problem currently is, but Canon notes that it's "examining the countermeasures" and plans to circle back once it has a solution. Interestingly, PetaPixel also reports that some folks have experienced the phenomenon when ambient light beams down on the panel as well. This isn't the first time Canon's had an issue with a shooter after its release, but hopefully a fix will be in soon. You'll find more details at the links below, but while you're here, let us know if you've got a Mark III showcasing the symptoms in the comments.

Canon 'examining countermeasures' for 5D Mark IIIs experiencing top LCD light leak problem originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 14 Apr 2012 20:03:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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